Also probably a DMC character

dubs 16 male he/him asian hispanic romanian multilingual?? virgo infp 7w8

before you friend

AuDHD, yapper, i cant spell shit, i make offensive jokes, i can be dry, im never serious unless i need to be, i dont use tonetags, my brain is actively rotting


if youre under 13 go away idk, i am slow with replies so... i promise im not ignoring you i probs forgot


music, hip hop, vkei, punk, video games, cats, snakes, bugs n critters, collecting dumb ass stuff, 420, plushies, drawing


trend hoppers, posers, being sick, school

some interests

music artists: deftones, radiohead, system of a down, interpol, dominic fike, korn, steve lacy, malice mizer, plastic tree, tv girl, sade
games: devil may cry, resident evil, detroit: become human, red dead redemption, fortnite
youtubers: d'aydrian harding, amahd, jboysx, SMii7Y, degenerocity, penguinz0, markiplier, GradeAUnderA
series/movies: spiderman, jujutsu kaisen, fight club, naruto, resident evil, invincible, bullet train, devil may cry, beavis and butthead, breaking bad